Global Research and Development Journal For Engineering (GRD Journal For Engineering), Invites authors worldwide for submitting their manuscripts/articles/papers for publication in  Volume 9 Issue 7 of June 2024 issue of GRD Journal For Engineering.

The articles would be published online only and can be submitted here 

Submit Manuscript Now


The articles can be submitted and sent for review for free. The content of articles must be unique, original, previously unpublished and should involve no copyright infringements with authors’ responsibility.

All authors must ensure their manuscripts should follow the author guidelines by GRD Journals. Also manuscript should be rewritten using GRD Journal For Engineering paper format available on website.

Once submitted, Manuscripts would pass through peer reviewing process by GRD Journals. Author will be notified through email/phone regarding acceptance/rejection.

Subject Category:

All branches of engineering and mathematics falling into research areas of GRD Journal For Engineering.



Easy and fast publication process with tracking.

Free peer reviewing with review reports and content suggestions.

Indexing in major bibliographic databases like Google Scholar, Academia, Index Copernicus(IC), Issuu, Slideshare, Scribd, Research Bible, DRJI, WorldCat, CiteFactor, J-Gate, etc.

Certificates hard copies, detailed review reports hard copy and plagiarism reports hard copy (chargeable)



Paper Submission Last Date: 25th June 2024

Average Time (Submission to Publication) - 2 to 3 week


Journal Factors:

ISSN(Online): 2455-5703

Frequency: 12 issues / year

Impact Factor: 2.2702