GRD Journals – Publication Procedure
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Step-by-step Manuscript Submission Process(For beginners)
Before you prepare your article for submission please go through our “Author Guidelines”. It is necessary that an author should create a content which must be unique, original, previously unpublished and should involve no copyright infringements with authors’ responsibility.
Every Journal has their own paper format and that will be available in journal details page. Make sure your paper is formatted into that format. Contact Journal authorities in case of any doubts.
Please make use of our archives available for free and open access. Here you might get help from the research fellows who have worked on subject and got their paper published.
It’s good practice to take references whenever necessary. Citation needs to be included for any work which is borrowed.
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After preparing manuscript, submit your manuscript in journal via submit manuscript page. Please keep your author name and email address handy.
The main author will be the person to communicate and will be communicated by journal whenever necessary. Please make sure the email address and phone numbers of main author are correctly written while submitting article. In case, if mistake happens, please email us at immediately.
After submission you will receive an email containing manuscript id. Please keep it secured. Your manuscript id is necessary for any communication post submission of manuscript.
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- Tracking Manuscript:
After submission, you can track your manuscript using our track manuscript feature. This will let you know about current status of your manuscript.
Please keep your manuscript and registered email address handy when you are using this feature.
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The manuscript after submission will go through peer review process and committee will make the decision whether to accept or reject the manuscript. In both case, review report will be provided by journal to main author’s email address.
In case of rejection, author may rectify the mistakes mentioned in review report and resubmit the article again for review. There is no limit of attempts of submission.
In case of acceptance, author needs to check whether it’s acceptance with changes or without changes. If review report contains any suggestions, feedbacks from reviewer which is confirmed as mandatory change by editor then it must be modified and to be sent to our email address by mentioning modifications made.
Number of revisions in manuscript are 5. If article doesn’t qualify after that, it will be considered as rejected.
After clear acceptance author do not need to modify article.
Once the article is accepted and no revision is required further, author can submit the payment. These two are mandatory and final steps for manuscript publication.
Payment mode and amount are available on website and also will be mentioned in email.
Once the payment is approved, author will be notified through email. Main author will be sent certificates of all the authors through email.
If certificates are not received within 2 working day of payment submission, please contact at
After payment approval and certificate assignment, article will be sent for publication. This takes 2 days after certificate assignment. Article, after publication will be available in journal archives in respective volume issue it was submitted in.
Articles are indexed in indexing libraries on timely basis depending upon journal’s decision.
For good amount of citation, authors can share it with their online communities such as blog, social media etc.