Effect on Energy use due to Different Orientation: A Case Study of Commercial Building

Anuj Pandey, R.N.G.P.I.T. (F.E.T.R.); Rinkesh Jadav ,R.N.G.P.I.T. (F.E.T.R.); Panchal Jenil ,R.N.G.P.I.T. (F.E.T.R.)

BIM, 6D Model, Construction Management, Energy Analysis

Building requires energy in their life cycle from its construction work to demolition work. Studies on the total energy use during the life cycle of buildings are desirable to recognize phases of largest energy use and to develop strategies for its reduction. In the present paper, a review of the life cycle energy analysis of building is presented. The aim of this paper is to present an energy analysis by using building information modelling (BIM). The Building Information Modelling (BIM) software is used for the design of wide range of constructions; from small house to big apartment buildings. This program allow the architect, designer or civil consultant to perform several simulations of the energy behavior of a building in a timely manner, even before a single brick is put in place The study includes energy analysis of commercial building and the comparison of energy analysis data at different degree orientation. Building's life cycle energy demand can be reduced by reducing its operating energy through use of passive and active technologies even if it leads to a slight increase in embodied energy. It is observed that low energy buildings perform better than self-sufficient (zero operating energy) buildings in the life cycle context.
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Paper ID: GRDCF012002
Published in: Conference : Emerging Research and Innovations in Civil Engineering
Page(s): 7 - 10