Automatic Soil Conditioning and Moisture Sensing System

Joyal Jose, Sahrdaya college of Engineering and technology, ; Vysakh A ,Sahrdaya College of Engineering and Technology; Deepak P.N ,Sahrdaya college of Engineering and technology, ; BibinBabu ,Sahrdaya college of Engineering and technology, ; EmlinAnto ,Sahrdaya college of Engineering and technology,
Agriculture is the main source of income for the majority of the Indian population and therefore has great impact on the economy of the country. But these days, as people are focusing on technology more and more, less people are willing to do something menial like farming. Farming is an activity that depends heavily on the conditions present in the environment surrounding the agricultural field. The work of the farmer is affected by the natural conditions such as climate, topography, etc. This project implements the emerging applications of IoT technology. Using IoT networks, a control system is being proposed that will act as an embedded system which can monitor and control an irrigation and moisture sensing system. The system also consists of fully automated irrigation, fertilizer preparation, fertilizer distribution and pesticide distribution system. The method employed is to continuously monitor the soil moisture level to decide whether irrigation is needed, and how much water is required in the soil. The objective of this project is to decrease human involvement in and increase the efficiency of farming process.
    [1] Agriculture-Wikipedia, [2] Agriculture Then and Now, and-now/ [3] Gutierrez, Villa-Medina, Nieto-Garibay, Porta-andara, “Automated Irrigation System Using a Wireless Sensor Network and GPRS Module”, [4] Samuel Wara, AyokunleAwelewa, TobilobaOyediran, Hope Orovwode, Felix Agbetuyi, “Design and Implementation of an Automatic Irrigation System Based on Monitoring Soil Moisture, [5] Marie France Leroux, “Design of an Automated Irrigation System”, 2005 NABEC Student Paper Competition, McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada
Paper ID: GRDCF004007
Published in: Conference : National Conference on Emerging Research Trend in Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Page(s): 45 - 48