Better Authentication Methods For Mobile Computing

Amit Waghmare, Bharti Vidyapeeth, Lavale; Avinash Ingole ,Bharti Vidyapeeth, Lavale; Onkar Salaskar ,Bharti Vidyapeeth, Lavale

Authentication, unconditional security, computational security, universal hash-function families, pervasive computing.

Today’s many application rely on small devices that can interact with each other through communication network. In this project we are proposing two new methods for authenticating encrypted message that are directed to assemble the requirements of mobile application. In this applications, the integrity and confidentiality of communicated messages are required. To getting benefit of that fact that the messages to be authenticated must also be encrypted, we propose provably methods for safe authentication codes that are more efficient than any message authentication code. The key idea behind the proposed techniques is to exert the security that the encryption algorithm can provide to design more efficient authentication mechanisms, as opposed to using single authentication primitives.
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Paper ID: GRDJEV01I060021
Published in: Volume : 1, Issue : 6
Publication Date: 2016-06-01
Page(s): 33 - 35