Authorized Public Auditing of Dynamic Storage on Cloud with Efficient Verifiable Fine-Grained Updates with MHT

Mayur Lokhande, JSPM's ICOER; Supriya Kapse ,JSPM's ICOER; Sonali Darekar ,JSPM's ICOER; Mahesh Sonawane ,JSPM's ICOER

Cloud computing, Data security, authorized public auditing, fine-grained updates.

One of the top technology concept is Cloud Computing. Cloud storage servers plays an important role in the technology buzz – cloud computing where clients can store their data at cloud servers and can access this data from anywhere and anytime. This opens up the threat on the data which client is storing on the cloud as it has to stored and accessed via Internet from any device. Here we came up with data Security which opens up lot of areas like authentication of clients, data integrity check and data privacy preserving. In our proposed work we are going to focus on data integrity area which is concerned about data security. When we consider about data security data auditing is concept of frequently auditing the integrity of the data to make sure that the data is not tampered and it is secured. Most of the times clients offload the auditing process of their data to Third Party Auditors (TPA) who are able to check the validity of the data without actually accessing the data on cloud. When the verification is done by a trusted third party called data auditing in which third party is called an auditor. There are several drawbacks of these techniques. One of the issue arises here is a necessary authentication process is missing between the auditor and cloud service provider it means that anyone can challenge the cloud service provider for a proof of integrity of certain file which puts auditing service at risk. In our work, we provide a legal Study for possible types of fine-grained data updates and suggest a scheme that can fully support authorized auditing and fine-grained update request.
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Paper ID: GRDJEV01I060003
Published in: Volume : 1, Issue : 6
Publication Date: 2016-06-01
Page(s): 66 - 70