Contamination of Heavy Metals in soil and its Impact around Formal and Informal E-Waste Recycling Area in India

Sagarkumar Divetiya, SCET; Pranav Shah ,SCET; Dr. Minakshi Vaghani ,SCET

E-waste, Heavy Metals, Land Contamination

Informal recycling of e-waste not only impacts environment and the people living or working in that area but may also pollute the environment in nearby or far-flung areas. The present systemic review analyzes the environmental pollution effects of heavy metals and other pollutants from e-waste processing workshops in India. Study evaluates the possible exposure routes and human health risk due to effects of heavy metals in order to understand the evidence of causality between exposure to heavy metals from e-waste and human health outcomes.
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Paper ID: GRDCF012009
Published in: Conference : Emerging Research and Innovations in Civil Engineering
Page(s): 37 - 39