Global Weights of Pre and Post Occupancy Parameters for Residential Green Buildings in Indian Context

Dr. Digant Pastagia, SSASIT, Surat ; Dr. Joel E. M. Macwan ,SVNIT, Surat

Analytic Hierarchy Process, Geometric Mean Method, Global Weights, Pre-Occupancy and Post-Occupancy

'Green Building' and its 'Assessment Schemes' are the key to achieve the sustainable growth of the urban zone. An attempt is made to develop Global Weights (λi) of various parameters for the assessment of green Buildings. Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is used to derive Sustainability Global Weights (λi) for all contributing parameters: Environmental, Social, Economical and Cultural. Consultants from various regions of India were asked to give their responses on AHP based questionnaire. Based on 72 valid responses from consultants, Global Weights of parameters are derived by Geometric Mean Method (GMM) along with AIP (Aggregation of Individual Priorities) approach. Consultants have ranked site selection, regional priority, Rapid Renewable Materials, as most crucial parameters in pre occupancy phase and Segregation and Disposal of waste, functionality and indoor air quality as most crucial parameters in post occupancy phase. Findings of this paper can be helpful to designers and developers to achieve real sustainable development in developing country like India.
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Paper ID: GRDCF010002
Published in: Conference : Reaching the Unreached: A Challenge to Technological Development (RUCTD2018)
Page(s): 11 - 19